Monday, February 28, 2011

Paradise does not equal Perfect.

Our first full day on the island, we went to our rental house. We'd only seen pictures of it from the outside, it looked nice enough:

But, when we walked in the door - dead cockroaches everywhere. The big ones... The house smelled, from the bug bomb. Dust, cob webs, dirty windows....

After a little complaining, we got to work - went into Hilo and bought cleaning supplies and started sweeping everything, mopping everywhere, and moving the land ladies stuff out of the way so we'd have room.

That was the morning - around 2 (supposed to be noon) the container arrived and we started moving our stuff in.

We were both upset about the condition of the place - but, the property manager just blew us off - 'This is how it's is on the island'. Well maybe it is, or maybe we just got a bad deal. Funny but that first impression, when your exhausted from a flight and a move, made a big impression on us. It just didn't sit right, it was a blight on our big change.

It turned around tho - a few months later, it dawned on me that we might be here for a year before the house we're building is complete. I realized that as much as I didn't like it, I had to fix up this place as much as I could, to make it our home.

So we cleaned the nasty windows, organized as much as possible, and then we cleaned some more. It's not up to my usual standards and I can't fix what's inherently wrong with the house (like the lizard hiding places) But, I did what I could and felt a lot better about it.

One more step, Hawaii feels a little more like home now.


  1. Hi it's me :))) Dang and it sure looked nice on the outside. I bet though it is looking great on the inside too now. Of course except for Lizard hiding places :) I'm thinking maybe the boys like the lizards? I miss you!!!

  2. Yeah - It's much better now! I had to put my mark on the place, for me, that's clean shinny windows :)

    The boys do love the lizards, Morgan, my middle son, can catch them bare handed. They all like to catch them! But they're quick little buggers, and they know where to hide!

    Miss you too! Let's skype or something sometime!
